dramatic event

英 [drəˈmætɪk ɪˈvent] 美 [drəˈmætɪk ɪˈvent]

网络  戏剧性事件


  1. In the area of event routing, dramatic scalability improvements were made in the case where there are many event subscriptions ( that is, many installed monitor models).
  2. In order to get its fellow Britain observers ready for such a dramatic event that will not happen again for more than a decade, Mail Online has provided the solar eclipse timetable and listed some of the most frequently asked questions about solar eclipse.
  3. It might set up the main characters and their relationship, it might describe a setting or a dramatic event, it will probably always introduce key themes.
  4. It was hard to figure out how Kaizen ( continual improvement) really worked in practice as we saw orange and red lights go off but it wasn't some dramatic swarming event.
  5. A poem is a dramatic event;
  6. Biotic mass extinction near the Permian-Triassic boundary with dramatic environment evolution is a globally epoch-making event, which is considered as the transitionally key point in the process from the destruction of Paleozoic marine ecosystem to the reconstruction of Mesozoic marine ecosystem.
  7. Project risk to the entire project has brought great uncertainty, would be key elements of project management in a dramatic effect, the event is likely to cause the failure of the project.



  1. an episode that is turbulent or highly emotional

      Synonym:    drama